Featured Zodiac Sign - Aquarius
Symbol: Water Bearer
Dates: January 20 - February 18
Ruling Planet: Saturn/Uranus
Element: Fixed Air
Natural House: Eleventh
Tarot: The Star
Metal: Uranium
The last of the air signs of the zodiac, this sign is highly sociable and concerned with community. Often mistaken as a water sign, Aquarius is the bearer of water, its is the carrier of this life giving gift, they are transmitters. They can thrive in situations of chaos and trauma, and their desire to serve is so strong they can overcome opposition or battles. Their unorthodox way of thinking makes them avant-garde visionaries who can convince others to join revolutions. They are inventors by nature that like to find new ways to connect humanity. They are considered a guiding light that brings the water to quench the worlds spiritual thirst.